Thursday, July 10, 2008

answering every question

I was super excited about the 3 comments on my last post. I have never had so much blog love...Hooray for expanding readership.

Okay, so here's the down low...filled with blessings, of course.

We went to St Louis, looked for houses, got bummed cause nothing was in our price range/location/liked dogs. And we were driving around feeling lame, because it just sucked to look at the future and realize we'd be barely getting by if we rented any of the things we looked at. And I started praying that God would help us find somewhere that would help confirm we were supposed to be in STL. Right after that, we drove into Dogtown (which is on the south side of the Skinker exit - real close to the big Amoco sign). And we found apartments in our price range that were great. Minor issues with them...but we could make it work. We spent that night hanging out in Dogtown, and we really liked it. The next morning we went to another place...and it was perfect. The owner is the most chill guy ever - owns a rare record business, wants to save Darfur, didn't mind that we'd have to wait on our first rent check. He also didn't make us pay a pet deposit because he has a lab too. Oh, and also, we're 2 houses down from Megan and Jason...and a block away from Margaret and Gavin...and apparently close to Becky, so there's carpool galore for Robert.

So we're trusting that the same sort of thing will work out for our jobs. Robert's trying to transfer with Starbucks. I had a transfer interview with Apple, but it looks like it'll only be part time, and we definitely need me to have a full time I've been applying/emailing all these other places, and most of them tell me "awesome...come apply when you get here" - so hopefully that will all work out.

God has been good to us so far throughout this process, and I have no doubt He will continue to be good to us! We'd love prayers in the job stuff, and also about the process of asking for support from the Presbytery. Oh, and packing...gotta pack! We move in about 3 weeks. So crazy!


At 7:04 PM, Blogger Mandii said...

Hello, DOGTOWN? It must be good if it has that name! :)

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Clint and Lauren Brock said...

char! how did i forget about your blog? your readership has just gone up by one. and your going on my friends list, yay! :)

congrats on the move! exciting!

At 6:33 AM, Blogger stan said...

almost there...neighbor.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger mbh said...

Heyy there. I've added you to my list-o-blogs so now you have another reader. Question....are you keeping the blog name the same even though you're not going to be at Belmont now?

At 8:07 AM, Blogger Allison said...

Hey Charissa! I wanna see pics of your new haircut. Oh, and your blog readership just went up again, 'cause I always forget to look for people's blogs, but I saw yours on your Facebook profile so now it's in my Bloglines. And way to go on Robert getting into Covenant (that's a great school!) and you guys finding a house! Woot! Gaines is taking classes at RTS here in Atlanta to get his MAT, but who knows where we'll end up after that. What's Robert planning on studying?


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