Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fall Break Fun

Belmont has a few days of Fall Break this week, which gives us a chance to relax for a few days after an incredibly busy couple of months. When we get back from the break, we'll be over halfway through the semester. We're looking forward to having everyone over in a few weeks for our new little house's first RUF party.
In other news, we went with some of our students to see the documentary: "Jesus Camp". It's definitely biased in how the information is presented, but very interesting. There are things that we would strongly disagree with in the methodology of the camp....many things, in fact. Some of the kids were pretty funny, but despite that humor, the movie is sad. If you're involved in ministry, I think it's a good thing to watch, even if you wait til it's out on DVD.
Also, I just finished reading "Hurt" by Chap Clark - which is a indepth look at teenage life in our culture. I highly recommend it.