Wednesday, April 16, 2008

we got a pretty little cr-v...and no more than 5 days after we bought it, Rufus chewed the brake line and Robert went through a stop sign...thankfully, it was only in our neighborhood - no major damage done - except the bill to put in a new brake line. thanks a lot, Rufus.

we've been busy, as always...thankfully my apple hours are not as crazy over the next couple of weeks, so i'm not as stressed as i was when we got back from NY. i'm also helping my friend James do some editing for a trip he took with the Vandy Business School - this project studies micro-lending, which is pretty cool, and you should check it out.

my cousin Meredith is getting married in June in Austin, so that means a plane/road trip for us in another month or so - it'll be good to see family and friends in TX. my uncle and aunt are giving us a Camry that they don't want anymore (they are awesome!) so we'll be driving it back up to Nashy. I'm not looking forward to that part of the trip...12 hours in a car is just plain gross.

our half marathon is in 1.5 weeks, so if you're in Nashville then, you should cheer us on.

we had a big party at the Rutledge last night for our pastor's was killer. if you haven't listened to John Davis before, find him and listen to him. He rocks. Like, my ears are still a little numb. I have a crush.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

how i love thee, nyc

We got back from out little trip to New York on Sunday. Some of the highlights were the following:

- seeing this girl (my former NY roomie, Amy, who is going to grad school at Columbia)
this is of us back when we were young and impressionable juniors in college, living in Times Square with glamorous internships.

- visiting Williamsburg re-sale stores, which, if you know's a weakness. Bargains on pre-worn clothes? Yes, thank you, I love it. I got a nice little vintage minidress to wear when it gets a little warmer.

- crashing on Stephen and Hannah's floor on a very nice air mattress - it's the luxe life. Hannah had to work a lot, but it was fun to see them, and for me, to get to know them a little better.

- Cafe Lalo...always a perfect dessert night...made famous from this scene:

- hanging out with Nate and Cassie, our fun australian friends who were up there for a tour. We got to see Nate play for the first time - yay!

- seeing old Sesame friends. I just love them.

- Tim Keller in all his theological hotness. I had been thinking about Heaven - and going bac kand forth about how good it sounded at the moment. Sure, it's supposed to be what we desire most as Christians, but it's hard to actually know why it will be so beautiful in a comprehend-able way. And Tim's sermon was awesome in addressing this - talking about how Heaven's not this thing that's going to be totally different - talking about how Jesus in His resurrected body still did the same things we do - he ate, he cooked, he hugged his friends - but it was in better, glorified ways. He gave an example of how we only have 5 senses now, but who knows how many senses we'll have in our glorified bodies and what they will be. Basically, he made Heaven something I want - and not knowing the awesomeness of what it holds is pretty exciting.

- The BEST pizza (previously unknown to us)

- Tasti D-Lite - which I had always seen, but never's supposedly a healthier version of ice cream, and true to its name, it is tasty.

And of course, there was the fun of walking around, shopping around, and hanging around pretending that we live in one of the boroughs. We really want to end up there eventually.

Unrelated to NYC, but also of importance, Robert found out that he got into Covenant Seminary, so here we come, St. Louis. Yay!