we got a pretty little cr-v...and no more than 5 days after we bought it, Rufus chewed the brake line and Robert went through a stop sign...thankfully, it was only in our neighborhood - no major damage done - except the bill to put in a new brake line. thanks a lot, Rufus.
we've been busy, as always...thankfully my apple hours are not as crazy over the next couple of weeks, so i'm not as stressed as i was when we got back from NY. i'm also helping my friend James do some editing for a trip he took with the Vandy Business School - this project studies micro-lending, which is pretty cool, and you should check it out.
my cousin Meredith is getting married in June in Austin, so that means a plane/road trip for us in another month or so - it'll be good to see family and friends in TX. my uncle and aunt are giving us a Camry that they don't want anymore (they are awesome!) so we'll be driving it back up to Nashy. I'm not looking forward to that part of the trip...12 hours in a car is just plain gross.
our half marathon is in 1.5 weeks, so if you're in Nashville then, you should cheer us on.
we had a big party at the Rutledge last night for our pastor's birthday...it was killer. if you haven't listened to John Davis before, find him and listen to him. He rocks. Like, my ears are still a little numb. I have a crush.